
Ken Bybee
Ken has served as an Elder since 2015, and served as a deacon prior to this. His current leadership responsibilities include the youth group programs (kindergarten through 12th grade) and the bus ministry. Ken and his wife, Monica, have two sons and a daughter-in-law.

Mickey Gattis
Mickey has served as an Elder since 2013, previously serving as a deacon for the congregation. His work focuses on local evangelism, increasing personal work and home Bible studies, and spiritual and numerical growth of the church. He and his wife, Susan, have three children.

Terry Nowland
Terry, who previously served as a deacon, serves as an Elder over worship services, church building & grounds, the safety program and the young adults group. He also currently serves on the Board of the Big Reedy Christian Camp. He and his wife, Tracy, have three children.

Jason Dunn
Jason has served as a deacon since 2010 and is responsible for the education program, to include all children's Bible classes from birth to 12th grade, as well as the safety program. He and his wife, Misty, have three children.

Sheldon Lackey
Sheldon has been a member of the Elizabethtown congregation for more than 20 years. He has served as a deacon since 2010 in multiple capacities. He currently serves as the deacon over Informational Technology (IT), which includes computer hardware/software maintenance, audio/visual system support, outdoor sign messages, and website management. He and his wife, Renee, have two children.

Mark Moore
Mark has been a member of the Elizabethtown congregation since 2021. He has held leadership positions in multiple church of Christ congregations. In 2022, he began serving as the deacon over evangelism. He and his wife, Robin, have two sons.

Aaron Nall
Aaron serves as deacon over the young adult group (college through 35 years of age). He and his wife, Chelsea, have four children.

Kevin Nowland
Kevin serves as the deacon over the kindergarten through 5th Grade youth group. He began attending services at Elizabethtown in 2005 and began serving as a deacon in 2019. He and his wife, Brooke, met at church in 2012. They have two children.

Bret Sholty
Bret began serving as a deacon in 2022. He oversees the benevolence program and the jail ministry. He and his wife, April, have two children.

Jason White
Jason has had the privilege of spending the last 40 years at the Elizabethtown congregation and began serving as a deacon in 2000. Since becoming a Christian at the age of 11, he has been active in a variety of ministries from teaching Bible classes, missions, visitation, and service groups. He currently oversees the Christian service group and visitation programs. Jason and his wife, Carrie, have two children.

Noel Wilson
Noel began serving as a deacon in 2022. His service responsibilities include overseeing the worship service procedures, as well as the 6th through 12th grade youth group program. He and his wife, Adena, have one daughter.

Ken Burton
Ken is a 1975 graduate of Harding University with a B.A. in Bible. He is also a 1984 graduate of Alabama Christian School of Religion, now known as Amridge University. He has served almost 50 years as a minister in several churches of Christ, to include in the states of Indiana, West Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. He has also served in the mission field in India, Italy, and South America. He began his ministry with the Elizabethtown church of Christ in 2024. Ken and his wife, Diane, have 2 children and 2 grandchildren.

Vince Daugherty
Vince is a 2013 graduate of Harding University with a B.A. in Social Science with teaching licensure. He worked for four years as a middle school and high school history teacher and football coach. He is also a 2019 graduate of the Florida School of Preaching. He previously served as the associate minister at the South Florida Ave. church of Christ in Lakeland, FL. He began his ministry with the Elizabethtown church of Christ in 2024. Vince and his wife, Tiffany, have three children.

Sharlene Marcum

Kim Whobrey
Elizabethtown Church of Christ
1211 North Dixie Highway
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Bible Classes - 9:30 a.m. ET
Worship - 10:30 a.m. ET
Evening Worship - 6:00 p.m. ET
Ladies' Bible Class - 10:30 a.m. ET
(September - May)
Bible Classes - 7:00 p.m. ET
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